Saturday, June 14, 2014

Revelation 13:1- Daniel 7: A Note....

'And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, upon his horns ten crowns  and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.'' Revelation 13:1

In studying, I came across two interesting pieces of information. First, in 1975-6, the G7 was formed with the intent to formulate a one world system. This group consisted of the world's most industrialized nations. Which nations were they?

     1. America
     2. Canada
     3. France
     4. Germany
     5. Great Britain
     6. Italy
     7. Japan

Then, I was thinking about the ten horns.   I discovered in 1996, NAFTA organized the world into ten world ''super nations''. How did they decide the world will be divided into ten parts? In reading, it sounded similar to another historical event. The group decided the new world order (published in 1974) will best be carried out if the world can be neatly broken into ten perfect divisions, powerful,, perfect, nation-states. The group decided these ten would be best:

     1. North America
     2. South America
     3. Australia & New Zealand
     4. Western Europe
     5. Eastern Europe
     6. Japan
     7. South Asia
     8. Central Asia
     9. North Africa & the Middle East
     10. The remainder of Africa

''Mankind at the turning point'' was published in 1974, and stressed the need for a global governance. The best way to etablish this would be to divide the world into divisions, nations, and then set a ruler over each. These rulers would be accountable to Antichrist. Read Daniel 7:7-8, Daniel 2:41, and Revelation 17:12. In Daniel's prophecy, it appears once the ten nations are set, the Antichrist (the little horn) would arise to his throne for seven years. Daniel 8:25 says ''by peace he will destroy many''.

It is important to note, the NWO was officially created in 1776, and has been promoted by every president since. World leaders work together to further the implementation of this global system, culminating in the formation of NAFTA, and then the devising of a global division.

Notice in Daniel 7:7-8, he will pluck up three of the horns. Picture yourself in your garden, grabbing hold of a weed and pulling it u, by the roots.  It seems Antichrist will war against three of the nations, leaving seven.These horns, kings, may be the seven empires throughout history, and depicted in Nebuchadnezzar's dreams in Daniel 2 & 7. These culminate in the final empire, the revived roman empire, being the global influence.

As a quick reminder, the seven empires are,

     1. Assyria
     2. Egypt
     3. Babylon - Dan. 2:38; Dan. 7:4
     4. Medo-Pesia - Dan 2:39; Dan. 7:5
     5. Greece - Dan. 2:39; Dan. 7:6
     6. Rome - Dan. 2:40; Dan. 7:7
     7. Revived Rome - Dan. 2:41; Dan. 7:7-8

I pray this answers some of your questions. Not only will I continue to answer your questions, but will give you more of the signs of the times we live in.

In His Service,
Pastor Aaron Mathews

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Greetings in the Lord.  We gather here today, together, in communion with one another and God.  What do we mean when we talk about ''communion''? As a Christian, and a minister, it has dual meaning.  First, it is a gathering of the saints, you and iI and our Saviour Jesus Christ.  Second, it is a rite of our faith, the taking together of the bread and wine.  In recognizing this celebration of remembrance, I ask you to turn in your bibles to 1 Corinthians chapter 11, verses 23-26.

''For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you. That the Lord Jesus the same night which He was betrayed took bread; and when he had given thanks he brake it, and said, take, eat, this is my body, which is broken for you, this do in remembrance of me.  After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood; this do ye as off as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.  Wherefore, whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lords death til He come.''

We must never get too comfortable, making taking communion together as common place.  We should always do as Jesus said, do this in remembrance of His death on the cross for each of us, awaiting His coming. It is an awesome opportunity to walk together with Christ through reflection upon His death and resurrection. We do not offer a new sacrifice, but remember the sacrifice done ''once for all'' (Hebrews 10:10).  Doing so in remembrance of Him should be more than just a fleeting thought, rather we ought really recall all we can about our saviour.  He left heaven to take a human body (Phil. 2:5-6).  He bore our sin in his own body (1 Pe 2::24).  He took our lace on Calvary (Is 53:54-56).  He shed His blood for our redemption (1 Pe 1:18-19; Rev 1:5; Rev. 5:9). He conquered death for us, forever (Matt 28:1-6; Rev.   1:8).  He ascended back to heaven to complete His redemptive work and to serve as our high priest - forever (Heb. 7:25).

1 Timothy 1:15 reminds us Jesus died for sinners.  This is a very deep and powerful thing we need to really think about.  How has Jesus broken body and shed blood impacted your relationship to God?  What does this mean for all humanity? Do you tell others of His sacrifice,  that they also may receive redemption?

When we gather to take communion, it is a declaration that we commune, fellowship, with Christ.  We are not ashamed of our relationship with Jesus as scripture tells us we must not be.  Acts 4:12 and John 14:6 reminds us Jesus is our only means of accessing heaven. He is the only means ooof ours salvation. It is crucial that I boldly proclaim the gospel, in its entirety, without compromise.  In a day of ''seeker-friendly'' churches,
we need to hold fast to salvation by grace alone.  We need to read, believe, obey, live, the whole of the gospel.  I stand firm on preaching the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, even at the risk of pastoring but a few. II'd rather bring a few strong Christians with me than drag many into an eternity void of Christ, separation from God, in hell.

Recall, at the end of verse 26, Jesus tells us to do so while we wait for His return.  John 14:1-3 has Jesus telling us He has gone to prepare a place for us, where He will come and receive us Himself.  1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 tells of the rapture. The dead in Christ will rise first, then those which are alive and remain shall be caught up together t meet our Saviour in the clouds, to be with Him forever!  We are told to watch for Him, in Matthew 24:44.

If you read, and you should, verses 27-30 of the eleventh chapter of 1 Corinthians, you'll see there are warnings, beginning with examination of oneself and not to take lightly the partaking of the supper.  We must come to take the supper with a clean heart. It is not to be taken by unrepentant, backslidden, or unbelievers.   Alan Carr gives us some questions to consider before taking communion.  Am I saved? Is my life pleasing to the Lord? Are there hidden things in my life that need to be dealt with? Are there any issues between me and another belli ever?  Am I ready to take of the bread and the juice with a true heart of worship of God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ?

Lastly,, brothers and sisters, in case you have not received communion but would like to (you may as often as you like), I will lead you now.  If you don't have communion bread, a saltine, preferably unsalted, cracker and grape juice will be all you need. Take your bread in your hand, pray with me, ''Lord Jesus, I thank you for going to the cross for me, and suffering a broken body for my sin.  I receive this bread in remembrance of your sacrifice. Amen.  You may eat your bread now.  Next, take the cup in your hands and pray, ''Jesus,  I thank you for shedding your blood for the remission of my sin.  Thank you for redeeming me and sealing me in Your new covenant of grace.  Thank you Lord for being my sacrificial lamb. Amen You may now drink your juice.

I pray this message blesses you.  It is a summary of my sermon on communion.  I invite you to receive communion with me anytime, just visit this post and pray with me.

In His Service,
Pastor Aaron

Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Note On Chrislam..,,

Greetings in the Lord!

This is not Sunday's sermon, just a note to you all, something weighing heavily on my heart tonight. Let me give a few verses first.

''But should we, or an angel from heaven, preach another gospel to you, than we have preached to you, let him be accursed.''. Galatians 1:8

''And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather, reprove them.''. Ephesians 5:11

''Now I beseech you brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which we have learned, and avoid them.''. Romans 16:17

''Who is a liar, but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is Antichrist, he that denieth the Father and the Son.''. 1 John 2:22

In summer of 2012, churches in thirty-two states began teaching a new doctrine, rather a new religion, called Chrislam.  This is the brainchild of Saddleback Church's senior pastor Rick Warren and the Crystal Cathedral's The belief is that Christianity and Islam can be melded and preached as one faith.   In June 2012, over three hundred churches across america preached using a Quran and a Bible side by side.  Since, Mr.  Warren has begun his project, ''Kings Way'', inviting imams and pastors to come together in unity. He states that Chrislam joins ''sister religions to a common bond''. This, however, is not possible, not personally, but theologically.  The core teachings, in the holy books are diametrically opposed.
Islam teaches God has no Son, and anyone believing such will cause their soul to burn in hell. Muslims are commanded in the Quran, to seek and slay the infidels wherever they are found.  Infidels are everyone outside Islam.  The Quran is very explicit in.naming Christians and Jews, calling them pigs and dogs, stating they are not to be trusted. Anyone joining gods to Allah are pagans, calling out trinitarians.

Wycliffe bible co.  defends its decision to change such verses as Matthew 28:19, which states, ''baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit''  to now read, ''to cleanse them using water, in the name of Allah, his messenger, and his holy spirit.'' Wycliffe has authorized this new text (replacing all references to His Son, Jesus) to be replaced.  They claim, ''this way, Muslims can be evangelized.'' This is a false and heretical belief.

Lastly, christian Bible companies have been publishing new versions at a rate of one a year.  Do you know how many versions of the Quran there are?  ONE!  The original text has been preserved and is the one that is read.  We need to read our bibles, friends and stop mishandling the Word of God, especially compromising it to make others comfy.  Take a stand, do not tolerate defamation of the Scriptures to occur.

Here's a video I created a couple years ago, in case you missed it, it may provide more background for you.

In His Service,
Pastor Aaron

Friday, May 30, 2014

Christian - To Be Or Not To Be?

Greetings friends!
I'm working on an important message as we speak. It will focus on something so important our Saviour spent time discussing it Himself! So, watch for that post, soon to come.  Today, I'll be fairly brief in speaking to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ. It seems there is much confusion surrounding the Christian faith.  In being persecuted, the ''attacker'' is not often clear on what the true faith is and who is a member of the body.  In this short discussion, I wish to ''clear the air'', hopefully helping to pinpoint exactly what one means in saying ''I am a Christian''.

Let's begin with a man, a religious leader in Jesus' day.  His name is Nicodemus.   He is the person Jesus is speaking to in John chapter 3.  Scripture says Nicodemus came to Jesus at night, as he often did.  Nicodems was counted a among Jesus' friends.   He knew Jesus was from God as none could teach and perform the miracles Jesus did.  Jesus responds with, ''except a man be born again, he shall never see the kingdom of God'' (In 3:3).  Nicodemus, as each person who first hears the gospel, says, ''how is that possible?" ''How can one go back and be born again?"  ''Jesus answered and said, verily verily  i say unto thee unless a man be borrn of the water and the spirit, he can not enter into the kingdom of God.'' He further states that which is born of flesh is flesh but s/he who is born of the spirit is spirit.  So, the words spoken by God the Son tell the only way to enter heaven is by a spiritual rebirth.  Men are creatures of flesh. We walk from birth in the flesh.  We are surrounded by a flesh driven world. It is because we are fleshly beings, we cannot enter eternal existence with God our Father.  Jesus tells us the ONLY way a person can access heaven once s/he dies is by being born again, a spiritual rebirth.  To live after the flesh involves mainly self gratification, fulfilling all the desires of the flesh,  ''if it feels good do it''. To be born of the spirit is to die to the flesh. To do this, then, means we can enter into he presence of God - who is spirit.

Christianity is called a ''cult'', ''exclusive'', ''hate mongering''.  This is because of the very words I just quoted byy Christ.  One more verse to consider is found in the fourteenth chapter of John, verse six.  ''Jesus saith unto him I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me.''  In this aspect, I concur, sure, by accepting Jesus Christ as the sole way of getting into heaven seems ''exclusive'' or ''narrow-minded'' as we are often accused of.  Simply put, folks, yeah, there is only one way, one path, one means of getting into heaven.  Call, accuse, rebuke if you must, this is the Son, God in the flesh, telling us flat out this is how you enter into eternal paradise.  He does not, however, force this upon anyone.  Rather, He gives us a choice, choose life (heaven) or death (hell).  The choice is yours, I made mine over a decade ago, I know where I stand and what eternity holds for me.  Do you?

Turn to Romans with me for a moment.  Chapter 10, verse 9.  ''that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the deaad, thou shall be saved.''   I need you to turn in your bible to one more verse if you would, Acts 2:21, ''and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved.'' Also consider Acts 2:38, ''then Peter said to them, repent and be baptized, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy spirit.''. Its not hard, brothers and sisters, repent, tell God you are sorry for your sinfulness.  Confess Romans 10:9, and as Luke said, ''ye will receive the gift of the holy spirit'', thus, you are reborn!  You must then read the bible, fellowship with other believers.  Its how you grow in faith and walk in righteousness, was we are commanded to do.  Its not always easy to do the right thing. Jesus tells us in John, we will face trials and tribulations in this world, but rejoice, He has overcome the world!  Amen!

One more thing regarding the spirit.  Ephesians 1:14 assures the converted believer s/he is sealed, we receive the mark of God upon us!  It says that mark, the seal, is the sign we are His. It is then that we are children of God, it is then we may cry out Abba, Father!

In closing, friends, there are many sects, denominations, and people who call themselves Christian, but I assure you most are not.  Only those who adhere to biblical Christianity. This means no other, extra biblical, texts are used in study or worship.  Scripture only guides the worship, lessons, and structure inside and out of the church gathering.  (see 2 Timothy 3:16) The only head being Christ. Any other is to be rebuked.  the sealed believer is part of and incorporated into the body and thus,  we are the church.  We believe and guide our lives solely via scripture.  God instructs His church on living and worshipping in His word.

Contrary to other religious groups, anyone (regardless of background, culture, RAC, class, gender, anywhere you live, etc.) is invited to the body and church. As an example, I witnessed to a young college student in Nigeria, who had been a devout Muslim.  Though her life is in danger, she chose Christ last June, and is now sealed!! Praise God!! God does not discriminate, everyone has been invited to join His body.

Where do you stand? Are you sealed, heaven bound?  Please, comment to let me know.

In His Service,
Pastor Aaron

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Walking In Darkness.....

Greetings friends!  I pray you are well.  It Has been a couple days since we gathered here. One thing that im often asked is, ''How do I, being a Christian, walk in this world that lives in darkness?"  Well, this is both a difficult question and a simple one. Bible Gateway suggests a twofold answer, which they use Titus 3:1-2 to answer.  This suggests conduct was believers toward (1) government and (2) other people.  I suggest a third component, being (3) conduct in our own life and toward God.

When ''obedience'' is mentioned in scripture (I.e. Romans 13) the teaching is that when something is obligatory, or doing what is required as a citizen. Other scriptures state the church should pray for the government and leaders, that they make godly rulings.  People, I should note, often misinterpret Romans 13 and suggest the Christian is to obey the government and support leaders even when they are against scripture. The chapter actually states, as I've often taught, that when the government is conducting itself in accordance to the Scriptures, we are to obey.

As an example, there is legislation that defines biblical teaching is ''hate speech'', punishable by jail time and/or fines.  If a couple of the sesame sex come and want me, a Christian minister, to marry them, I can't refuse. If I refuse, though scripture is clear on homosexuality, I may be arrested on ''hate crimes''.  I will never obey the mandates from the government in this area, as they are acting in anti-Christian ways.

Then, we have ''subjection'' to the government.  This means we follow the rules of the leaders. When we approach a red light, we stop. We avoid drugs and reviling. Simply put, we are good citizens.  Why wouldn't we be? Scripture says we are ''ambassadors of Christ''.  We represent Him on the earth!  We should go about being model citizens,  showing ourselves to be great examples of of our God,  and our King.

This includes acting in peaceableness, gentleness, and meekness. There was once a statement, ''Christians are to be doormats''.  Obviously, this is not true at all.  We are to bee kind, considerate, humble people.  Christians do not make waves, stir up trouble, or set out to rebel. BUT, we represent a just. God, who discerns when there is injustice.  We must not compromise our faith, values and morals in serving as citizens and fellow citizens in our society.  We are not to tolerate abuse, immorality, violence or sacrifice the biblical principles to honour corruption, immoral, unjust leading. If you're physically attacked or threatened call the police.  If abortion, gay marriage, drug use, sexual immorality are the law, we, as ambassadors, may (and ought) speak boldly against such. Make sense?

There is the personal aspect also.  Friends, first and foremost - COURAGE! We must hold fast to the faith, standing strong against all adversity.  There are many Christians who are filled, tortured, jailed for their faith.  In Afghanistan, for example, it is a capital offense to speak out loud, anything pertaining to the faith, scripture, and especially mentioning Jesus Christ.  Churches are not allowed.  Its not so prevalent here I in America, however, there is a more ''camouflaged'' persecution. Such is the sort of thing I mentioned above, hate speech, no public prayer, media prohibiting and bashing biblical Christianity.  We need to stand firmly on God's word, He said what He meant and He meant what He said!

In Romans, we read, ''do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.'' (Ro 12:2).   1 John 2:16 defines the world as all that is in it, and begins with, ''the lusts of the flesh.''. How pertinent to our lives today!! We are in a lust-filled, lust-driven world. Everywhere is sex, money, power, murder (abortion, drug-related crimes, actual murder...), adultery, gambling, drug abuse and addiction, theft, idolatry, etc.  All is drivenby lusts, or desires, of the flesh. ''If it feels good, do it'' has become the mmantra of the world today. We are called to come out and be separate from all this, be in the world, but DO NOT be of the world.  Let's be honest, this world is not as God intended, rather it is as man made it.  Men choose the way of living and do it.  As Christians, we must adhere to God's intended wayof life for us as dedescribed in the bible.  If the world chooses immorality, rejection of God, we can choose for proper living and obedience of God and His holy word.

Let's look at some verses:

''In him was the life, and the life was the light of men, and the light shineth  in darkness comprehended it not.''.  John 1:4-5

''This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his son, Clea Seth us from all sin.''.   1 John 1:5-7

''But if a man walketh in the night he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.''. John 11:10

''To open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in Me.''.  Acts 26:18

''Ye are all children of light, and children of the day, we are not of the night or the darkness.''.  1 Thessalonians 5:5

''Who has delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.''. Colossians 1:13

''Then spake Jesus again to them, saying, I am the light of the world, he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.''. John 8:12

''You are the light of the world, a city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.''. Matthew 5:14,16

So,  besides ''abstaining from evil'', what does the bible say regarding believers in the last days, living in a wicked and darkened world?

''Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. ''. James 4:4

''Beware lest any man spoil you through philsohy and vain deceit, after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ.'' Colossians 2:8

''And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.'   Colossians 3:23

''And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.''. Ephesians 5:11

''Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of the world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  Wherefore take unto you the fullarmor of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness.  And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.''. Ephesians 5:11-18

Lastly, a great thing in confronting and standing strong in this fallen, ungodly world is fellowship.  It is important to fellowship with believers, as it strengthens, edifies, and carries us til the soon appearing of Christ, who is coming soon to rapture His church.

''And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.''. Acts 2:42

''Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?". 2 Corinthians 6:14

''And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.''  Hebrews 10:24

''Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.'' 1 Peter 5:8

See, brothers and sisters, we find ourselves in the last days.  While we know and anxiously await the return of our Lord, we are doing so in very perilous times (2 timothy 3:1).  We are commanded to live holy lives, walking always in righteousness.  I often hear how hard it is to remain in the light when surrounded by darkness.  Read and study your bible daily. Pray daily. Fellowship as often as possible. No matter what manner of evil you see and hear, rebuke it and stand fast in your faith. Stay close to your heavenly Father.  Every morning,  as you get your clothes on, put n the full armor of God.  Christ is coming, stay focused and keep looking up!


In His Service,
Pastor Aaron

Friday, May 16, 2014

The End Of The Age....

Greetings in the Lord!

Today, I bring you an urgent message. We are now at the end of the church age.  We are short on time, friends, as our blessed Saviour is at the door, ready to come in the clouds of glory to receive His bride, the church's you, I, and all His saints!

''Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according  to His good pleasure which He has purposed in Himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in Heaven, and which are on Earth; even in Him.''.   Ephesians 1:9-10

''If ye have heard of the dispensation of grace of God, which is given me you ward. How that by revelation He made known unto me the mystery (as I wrote afore in few words).''.  Ephesians 3:2-3

While there are those who agree and others who do not, I consider myself a ''dispensationalist''. Scripture, as we just read in Paul's letter to the Ephesians, confirms the idea of dispensations, or ages. First, I think it would serve this sermon best to describe what is meant by dispensation. While some list seven, I break it into five.  Dispensations break the while of time, from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 into divisions. Here are the dispensations:

    INNOCENCE -  Adam and the pre-sin age. Length of time is unknown.
    CONSCIENCE - Adams fall to the law. Period of time, approx. 2424 years.
    LAW - Moses' law to John the baptist. Period of time, approx. 1500 years.
    Grace - From Christ to the present. Period of time, 2000 years.
    MILLENIAL KINGDOM - Christ's second coming to the end of the
                                               millennial reign. Period of time, 1000 years.

Notice, the age or dispensation of Innocence has an undetermined time length. This is because archaeology hasn't found enough evidence to support a definitive frame of time. Perhaps the people of Adam's time didn't leave much by means of physical evidence nor the introduction if all things by the heavenly Creator. Things have been discovered, however, going all the way back to Noah's ark! Recently, a chariot wheel was fond in the ocean floor from the exodus of the Jews from Egyptian bondage!!

Why doesn't Jesus just show up, and set up His kingdom now (as post-tribulationists believe, erroneously so)?  We need to move from age to age, as God has preordained from the beginning. We need to shift from the age of grace (also known as ''the church age'') to the Millennial Kingdom, at which time the King of Kings will rule and reign for a thousand years! The shift will be sudden, and will begin at the very instant the church is raptured (see 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51).   Take a moment to read 1 Thessalonians 5:9; Romans 1:18; Nahum 1:2; John 3:36; Revelation 6:16-17; Revelation 11:18.   Second, He will usher in the marriage supper of the lamb! Third, God has to turn His focus toward the salvation of Israel. (Romans 11:23). While the 144,000 in revelation are converted Jews whose eyes will be opened after the tribulation has begun. Lastly, He is completing His heavenly work, preparing for His reign, kingdom, and supper!

What can you do? First, if you are not yet saved, in a personal relationship with Christ, you need to pray right now (see Romans 10:9-10; John 3).  Actts 3:19 states, ''Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may blotted out. when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of theLord.''

Matthew 24:14, ''The gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come.''  (See also Acts 3:20; Matt 28:18-20)  Also, preach to all, Jew and Gentile, the grace of God. Interestingly, scripture tells the message was preached, to the jews by peter and to the greek by paul (ga2; Eph 3). There's not much time left, as I will show you in my next sermon.   The only thing left, then, is to get right with God and preach the word, getting everyone you can to come into relationship with our Father. An additional thing I'd suggest is to get a prayer partner. Someone you can fellowship with, encourage one another, be accountable to one another, pray for one another, and study the word together.

Find out your assignment, your call or purpose, from God and do it! We are not here to say a two minute prayer to be sealed (Ephesians 1:14) and coast through this life, entering the kingdom by the skin of our teeth.  We are here to be salt and light, working as ambassadors for Christ, preparing the world for the rapture, that they may be counted worthy to escape!

''Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.''.   Matthew 24:44

Read my message on the last days and you will undoubtedly see we are in the last days, just waiting for Christ to appear in the clouds. It is the time Paul called the dispensation of grace, the end of the church age. The next event on Gods calendar is gathering His saints.  This could happen before I complete this sentence!   Are you ready? Are your friends And family?

I pray this sermon (this is Sunday's message to my church) has blessed you. I pray for all of you and hope God is working in your life.

In His Service,
Pastor Aaron

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Blessed Are The Persecuted.....

''Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.''
      2 Timothy 3:13

''Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake, fortheirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets which were before you.''. Matthew 5:10-12

How have Americans experienced persecution?

   In 1962, prayer was taken out of public schools.
   Christian holidays and festivals associated with them have been reclassif-
        ied, and given secular names.
    Because of steps to intimidate and control pastors to incorporate and  en-
                courage seemingly harmless pagan worship while churches are
                 being discouraged from preaching the true gospel message.Many
                 pastors fear losing their 501 c3 status if they don't comply.
    Biblical views are being classified as ''hate speech'', and such is prohibited
           from being expressed in media, such as radio, TV, newspapers.
    Today, in 2014, many  of the largest mainstream ''christian'' churches are
            promoting and practicing the removal of the cross symbol so as not to
            offend anyone.
     Evolution, a theory, is taught as truth and fact, while no mention of cre-
             ationism is taught in schools or universities.

How should you handle being persecuted against?

   As a Christian, you should examine persecution and expect it. While no one wants  to be hurt or upset, it is important that you know what persecution is and expect that, if you are walking right, you will be persecuted.   Paul reminds us in 1Peter 2:21 that if Christ, being God and our saviour, was persecuted, why shouldn't we expect to be?  John 15:19-20 has a message from Jesus, where He tells us if you were of the world the world would love its own, but you are not of the world, and so the world hates you. In fact, ....''the time will come when they will think its a good thing when they kill you..'' (John 16:2).
  Before I continue tell you about surviving persecution, I need to address the idea of avoidance.  Remember peter said if we are living godly lives we will suffer persecution? If you are not experiencing persecution, either you are not sharing the fact that you are a christian (hiding it to avoid persecution) or you are not living godly lives. If you live like unbelievers, you won't experience any persecution. You need to examine yourself to see where you fit, and pray and change it.

    God tells the believer to confront the world. This will undoubtedly bring persecution, but He promises to both give us the words that we are to use and to be with us! ''I will never leave you nor forsake you.''

I encourage you to read acts 3. You will see how Peter and John healed a man and were loved. When they began preaching the gospel people became offended and angry at them.  We see this today.  Sch responses from offended [convicted] people include: ''The Christian is incompetent''. ''You are ulearned''. ''You're ignorant''.   ''You're spreading hate instead of love.''. Why does this happen? Because, at the core of it, people don't want to be accountable to a creator. People, through secular humanism, have become little ''gods'', in control of ones own destiny. Padding self esteem is top priority.  Today in competitions, everyone gets a trophy, noones a loser. No one left behind. Kids can't be disciplined, and are not exposed to Gods word. T has gotten to where a large number of churches have eliminated the words ''sin'', ''lost'', ''hell'',  and replaced with ''churched vs. unchurched'' ''love''. These churches have removed crosses from buildings and pulpits, as someone's feelings were hurt. We as Christians must never be ashamed of the gospel, reading it as is, believing, and evangelizing.

Persecution brings growth. As you learn to respond, giving a defense of the faith, you learn more in the scriptures and you get ''thicker skin''. The more you suffer for Christ the stronger of a soldier you become in the cause of the cross. Matthew 13:24-26 tells a parable of the wheat and tares. The wheat is strong, enduring and carrying the church through boldly preaching the word and suffering for doing so. The tares, on the other hand, stay out of things, lay quiet, keeping the peace. Ultimately, they suffer little or not at all. In essence, they are dead weight while the wheat carries the church. James 1:2 tells us to count it all joy when you are persecuted.

1 Peter 1:6-7 tells gold is tested by fire, so, then, or faith is tested by persecution. Stay strong. Don't let the world engage you in battle, where you end up sinning in your anger. You will be strengthened through persecution.

Friends, persecution is nothing new. The early Christians were jailed, or tortured, often unto death. As Christians in America, we are being pushed down and being silenced. We are legislated against, claiming [only the] Christian bible is hate speech, punishable by fines and or jail time. There was a minister in Florida, for example who was arrested in his pulpit for preaching about the sin of homosexuality.  What should you do?  Fellowship with other believers. Read and study your bible. Pray each day for strength in trials. Don't use anything but scripture in defense and confronting. Don't fight the world using its tactics, you are a child of the most high, as saint, a soldier for Christ. Be strong and courageous.  We are the church. We are blessed! We house the Holy Spirit. If you need help, encouragement,, prayer, advice,  contact a fellow Christian you trust. You may contact me as well. I am continuously being persecuted for preaching the word and confronting the world. I am happy, that means I'm living a godly life!

In closing,  I invite you to share your persecution experiences, post in comments below. I pray you are well, blessed and growing in Christ.

In His Service,
Pastor Aaron